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Contact Point > Articles by: sshuhert


So What Do You Think of the Big Move?

    What does the “dentist on the street” think of the big move? We interviewed people representing the past, the present and the future of the dental school — alumni, faculty, outgoing and incoming students — to find out their thoughts.

    Doing More Than Cleaning Teeth

      Dental hygiene alumni are taking on leadership roles, teaching, mentoring and expanding the definition of what it means to be a dental hygienist.

      Purchase Agreement Signed for New Home

        The Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry recently took a bold step forward in its plan for future facilities in San Francisco. The school has signed a purchase agreement for a seven-story downtown building which features approximately 395,000 square feet of facility space.

        Get Inspired, Says Dean Ferrillo

          Those of us who work at the Dugoni School of Dentistry are fortunate to be inspired each week by the motivated students in our classrooms, clinics and hallways. And a number of inspiring developments at the school may inspire you too.

          I Have an Idea . . .

            Here at University of Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, it’s not only the deans and faculty members who are coming up with some great ideas.