It’s All in the Family
A lifelong association with the Dugoni School family gives our #9 dean a very strong start. “I’ve done almost everything here,” Dean Nadershahi admits, “from welcoming guests to taking out the trash. I’ve even been a patient.”
A lifelong association with the Dugoni School family gives our #9 dean a very strong start. “I’ve done almost everything here,” Dean Nadershahi admits, “from welcoming guests to taking out the trash. I’ve even been a patient.”
Dental students, faculty, alumni, guests and exchange students from Peking Medical University, School of Stomatology gathered for a unique glimpse into the human body at the deepest levels. What they found was a colorful collection of images that gave them new appreciation for the sheer beauty of nature under the microscope.
After our last final, I traveled to China with seven classmates for an exchange program in search of broader perspectives in dentistry. It was an adventure of a lifetime.
With your help, we will strengthen our culture of humanism, enhance our relentless focus on excellence in our programs and build an institution true to our commitment to excellence, respect, trust and integrity.
In addition to being the first daughter of a previous president to hold the position of president herself, LaRocca is the first dental hygiene graduate to head the Alumni Association.
Students Robin Lambert and Riddhima Suri, members of the DDS Class of 2017, are receiving attention and awards for research that explores a modified technique to deliver anesthetic to patients.
For a variety of reasons, the four young alumni profiled in this issue have become full-time dental educators, and they love it.
The Dugoni School of Dentistry has a fresh, new online look thanks to its revamped school website which was launched during the summer break.